Allen and Heath ZED 428

Revision as of 16:50, 11 July 2013 by Robert.walker (talk | contribs) (Added a picture)

This is the main audio desk used in the studio

The Allen and Heath ZED 428


The ZED 428 is a 28 channel (24 mono + 4 stereo) analogue mixing desk with 4 groups, 6 aux, 2 matrix, left, right and mono outputs. Any input can be sent to any of the aux, groups or main outputs. The group and main outputs can then be mixed to the matrix outputs.


This desk is often used for the larger OBs, mainly due to the unavailability of other mixers in the station. To aid in this (and to increase the life of the desk) there is a flight case for it. Please use if the desk is being taken out of the station.