Technical To Do

This is a list of things which need doing.



  • FIX THESE PROBLEMS WITH COMMS (currently on hiatus) --Malcolm.chambers 10:53, 16 February 2010 (UTC):

SHORT REMOVED! Also it's possible that irreversible damage may have been caused to chips due to this.

    • 68k feedback resistor is shorted with the output of the A/B variable amp. This hasn't given a problem yet but will mean that to presenters on A and B channel they will hear a very quiet signal, maybe not even one perceivable over electircal noise.
    • Due to confusion between the WIRE numbers and serial PIN numbers the switches are arranged wrongly (I think) and this should mean nothing except that the switches perform the function they should, but in a VERY counter-intuitive way.Malcolm.chambers 20:33, 9 January 2010 (UTC)
  • Transfer technical documentation from old website to new, this is something for the holidays.
  • Look at current function of Roger and design a detailed Roger replacement (see link below).

Odd Tasks:BUGGERED. To Be Thrown.

  • (for dimmer rack) To810mj or equivalent. Also two 270 ohm high power resistors, and probably diodes. Even after this repair, might just blow again, or cause more damage. We can cope well with 11 lights, rather than twelve. I doubt we'll cope so well if any repair attempt leaves us with 6 instead of 11, so probably not a good idea to touch it.--Malcolm.chambers 18:18, 1 January 2010 (UTC)

Roger Replacement

(AKA NetMuxBreakout)